

Captain Steve

I got my first boat before I got my first car. I started fishing off Victoria at the age of 15. Soon I was catching enough fish that my Dad’s buddies were asking to come out fishing with me. That is how it all started. At 17, I went commercial fishing on a salmon troller. We fished all around Vancouver Island and halfway to the Queen Charlottes.

I started my professional guiding career in the Queen Charlottes as fish master for an exclusive lodge. I guided in the Queen Charlottes for five years until in 2000 I started Ocean Rambler Fishing Adventures with a 25ft Bertram. I started out fishing Victoria and Port Renfrew but soon realized Port Renfrew was lacking the amenities the clients were looking for. I moved my operation further West to Barkley Sound and Ucluelet which is a beautiful little fishing village.

Fourteen years later, I have upgraded to a luxury sport fishing vessel with my 28ft Bertram. This is the ultimate in luxury sport fishing. My mission is fishing but your enjoyment and safety is my number on concern.

I am fully insured and licensed by Transport Canada.

Check albacore tuna fishing of your bucket list!

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January 2022

I would like to thank everyone that has supported Ocean Rambler the last two years though this pandemic. January has started of with a bang!Excellent winter Chinook fishing and crabbing is what is going on in Victoria right now!We landed an 18 pound Chinook this week! That is a great fish

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Summer 2021

I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone that has supported Ocean Rambler through this pandemic!I have spent the last two years rebuilding and improving my Vessel, the 28 foot Bertram sport fishing yacht,Ocean Rambler.It is June already and the travel restrictions are starting to lift, I

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