

Millions of Salmon migrate annually past the West Coast of Vancouver Island, heading for their spawning grounds. The main salmon runs move down the coast from May till the end of September.


Combine that with the mild Spring and Summer weather in Victoria, and you’ve got incredible fishing!

You could catch your fill of giant trophy Chinooks, which can exceed 50 pounds, twelve months of the year!

Or of the fast acting, and high flying Coho’s that can weigh in over 25 pounds, between July and November!

Or of the non-stop action of Pink’s and Sockeye in the summer season of July and August!

We also offer offshore trips to bring in the huge Pacific Halibut; which can get up to, and well over, 200 pounds! Halibut run February through December. Our boat record is 196lbs.

Check albacore tuna fishing of your bucket list!

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January 2022

I would like to thank everyone that has supported Ocean Rambler the last two years though this pandemic. January has started of with a bang!Excellent winter Chinook fishing and crabbing is what is going on in Victoria right now!We landed an 18 pound Chinook this week! That is a great fish

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Summer 2021

I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone that has supported Ocean Rambler through this pandemic!I have spent the last two years rebuilding and improving my Vessel, the 28 foot Bertram sport fishing yacht,Ocean Rambler.It is June already and the travel restrictions are starting to lift, I

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